Property Tax Rewards Program

Participating Businesses

Dear Marlboro Resident

“Shop Marlboro Property Tax Reward Program,” to our knowledge is the first of its kind in the United States!

To participate in the program you should voluntarily opt into the program by registering a Shop Marlboro card (available at Township Administration) using the Register/Sign-in link above - it’s free. If you have multiple shoppers living in your household, each person may register additional cards under the same block and lot. This way, all household spending will be applied against your property tax bill. Every time you purchase goods or services from local participating businesses and swipe your card you will accumulate property tax credits that will be applied against your annual property tax bill. Note, some businesses may also accept registered phone number instead of the swipe card to earn property tax credits for the purchased goods and services.

View a list of participating businesses and the related tax credit percentage that each business has agreed to provide using the Participating Businesses link above. You can sign-in to your account to track your accumulated property tax credits on this website.

Look in the window of Marlboro businesses to see if it has the logo of the Shop Marlboro Property Tax Reward Program and, if so, you’ll know that there are tax credits coming your way if you transact with that business.

For all questions about the program, please email to or call Fincredit at (732) 946-0919.

And remember to always….Shop Marlboro!